recsrainbow Jun 28, 2013 13:37
|unfitforsociety, elementary, marvel-verse: avengers, star trek: star trek: xi, pushing daisies, star trek: xi, dcu, -- crossover, leverage, {updates
recsrainbow Jan 01, 2013 18:07
|unfitforsociety, spider-man, queen's thief, pushing daisies, james bond, middleman, the mummy, earthsea, the terminator: tscc, community, mythology, calvin and hobbes, push, sports night, dcu, marvel-verse, {updates, bourne identity, northern exposure
recsrainbow Aug 06, 2010 05:47
vampire diaries, jossverse: ats, x-men, iron man, pushing daisies, ginger snaps, harry potter, temeraire, fringe, big bang theory, leverage, rpf: reality: project runway, |sekhmet_ficrecs, supernatural, criminal minds, stargate: sg1, west wing, farscape, who-verse: doctor who, a song of ice and fire, psych, stargate: atlantis, jossverse: btvs, friday night lights, dcu: batman, {updates
recsrainbow Jul 30, 2009 12:01
burn notice, |unfitforsociety, bones, pushing daisies, star trek: xi, middleman, dark angel, the terminator: tscc, jossverse: btvs, leverage, princess bride, {updates, jossverse: firefly/serenity, supernatural
recsrainbow Apr 29, 2009 07:10
lost, speed, jossverse: ats, deadwood, pushing daisies, life, harry potter, ncis, grey's anatomy, big bang theory, the terminator: tscc, -- crossover, dexter, heroes, jossverse: firefly/serenity, |sekhmet_ficrecs, dead like me, supernatural, criminal minds, gilmore girls, chronicles of riddick, psych, rpf, twilight, stargate: atlantis, veronica mars, jossverse: btvs, top gear, chronicles of narnia, {updates
recsrainbow Sep 29, 2008 21:34
pushing daisies, saw, die hard, stargate, - podfic, supernatural, |dodificus, prison break, smallville, psych, stargate: atlantis, who-verse: torchwood, - fanvid, jossverse: btvs, discworld, house m.d., the sentinel, {updates, jeeves and wooster
recsrainbow May 13, 2008 13:07
|unfitforsociety, gilmore girls, bones, pushing daisies, harry potter, dark angel, -- crossover, daria, sandman, {updates, jossverse: firefly/serenity, supernatural
recsrainbow Jan 29, 2008 11:21
sound and the fury, |unfitforsociety, bones, pushing daisies, harry potter, the office, the terminator: tscc, -- crossover, chronicles of narnia, bourne identity, {updates, supernatural
recsrainbow Jan 20, 2008 09:29
quantum leap, pushing daisies, harry potter, mi-5/spooks, -- crossover, vorkosigan, blake's 7, |haven reviews, who-verse: doctor who, highlander, who-verse: torchwood, discworld, the avengers, coupling, {updates, holby city
recsrainbow Oct 30, 2007 11:01
|unfitforsociety, the simpsons, jossverse: ats, battlestar galactica, pushing daisies, harry potter, jossverse: btvs, -- crossover, friday night lights, chronicles of narnia, {updates, supernatural